可以玩在聯誼時之前玩個"破冰遊戲" 先讓氣氛熱起來
下面是依個遊戲 不過是英文 我會大概用中文講一下遊戲內容
(假如你懶的廿下面的英文) 你可以找你朋友~
這遊戲呢 當然就需要椅子啦~
2. 要有一個主持人在中間或者別的地方
3. 譬如你說 有戴手錶的人 順時鐘移3個位子(當然,物品和數字可以自己變),或者 超過20歲的人 逆時鐘移兩個位子~
所以就有可能有人會坐在別人的腿上~ 也有可能3個人
會使用同一張椅子~ 當然最下面那個人就要特別強壯啦~
之後 救以此類推~ 可以使用很多創義 下面那邊的 1~4 給你一些
玩多次依點 自然而然也就熱了起來 也要寄住! 大家都要有動到!
最重要的也是 : 主持人要活潑開朗 即時應變~
Everyone gets a chair and sits in a circle. The leader has a list of items he reads out. If any of them apply to you, you move the appropriate number of seats clockwise.
1. Anyone with one brother, move one seat clockwise. If you have two brothers, move two seats.
2. Anyone with black hair, move one seat clockwise.
3. Anyone over the age of 21, move one seat counter clockwise.
4. Everyone wearing brown shoes, move one seat, etc.
The idea is to move all around the circle, and end up back where you started. It becomes fun because if you move, but your neighbour doesn't, you sit on his lap! Sometimes, you can have three people occupying the same chair!! Make sure you have lots of categories so that everyone gets lots of chances to move, e.g. all hair colours (at different times, of course), and so on.
祝你成功!! ^ _* v